Category Archives: Episodes

Cheryl Opper: Founder of School on Wheels of MA. -254

School is the only normal thing for a child experiencing homelessness. – Cheryl Opper

Great ideas are hatched in lots of places. For Cheryl Opper, the idea of founding School on Wheels, Massachusetts happened back in 2004 at her kitchen table while reading an article about Agnes Stevens of Los Angeles who was the founder of the charity. Cheryl was looking for a pumpkin cheesecake recipe and what she found was a calling to make a difference in the lives of homeless children. The statistics are staggering: there are over 27,000 homeless students in Massachusetts between kindergarten and high school. The average age of a homeless person in the state is just 8 years old and chances are, that child will move 3-5 times a year, leaving giant gaps in their ability to learn. Together with her army of volunteer tutors, Cheryl goes into homeless shelters to provide consistent one-on-one educational support to homeless kids. The relationship begins with the gift of a backpack, stuffed with school essentials and a handwritten note that reads: “I believe in you. You can climb this mountain. Anything is possible.” In this interview, Cheryl looks back on the progress of School on Wheels, MA over the last 20 years. A lifelong school teacher, she is also a person of great faith who believes that “it is such a blessing that God has used my hands, my voice, and my feet to help others.” Her passion for what she does shines through in this interview and you can hear her heartbreak when she describes the children School on Wheels, MA serves. Says Cheryl: “There are homeless students in every school across our state and they are just like your child and my child. They just want to be loved. They just want somebody to show up for them and tell them that they matter. “ #homelessness #education #shelters

Sharon Marrama: Co-Founder, Connor’s Kindness Project -253

I said to him: This is not going to be Nana’s Kindness Project. This is going to be Connor’s Kindness Project. -Sharon Marrama

If you are looking for an uplifting story this holiday season, look no further. We talk a lot about “mother love” on this show, but what about the love a grandmother has for her grandchild? Meet Sharon Marrama, grandmother of 14-year-old Connor Wright, co-founders of Connor’s Kindness Project Hatched during the pandemic, the original goal was to deliver COVID Care Packages to children. Within a year, the organization began delivering Kindness Kits to children in hospitals and shelters and today, nearly 5000 Kindness Kits have been delivered to over 20 hospitals and shelters throughout Massachusetts and into New England. Armed with Teen Ambassadors and volunteers, the charity has also created the Kids Kindness Club, where Connor speaks to students about the power of a simple act of kindness. Recently featured in People Magazine and on The Sherri Show, Sharon Marrama and her grandson have high hopes of taking their charity national. Running CKP is a family affair with Sharon’s daughter Erica (Connor’s mom) as a part of the leadership team. Raised in a humble home outside of Boston, Sharon was imbued with a strong work ethic from a very young age. As a high school student, she got up every morning at 4:30 AM to make the donuts at one of the original Dunkin Donuts locations. Employed at a dentist’s office for over 30 years, Sharon went back to college at age 50, earning a bachelor’s degree with high honors. In addition to her role as Executive Director of Connor’s Kindness Projects, she is a Radiologic Technologist who also teaches radiology at Middlesex Community College. With a heart full of kindness Sharon says: “Life is about taking a tough or vulnerable situation and making it into a positive moment, one act of kindness at a time.” For 20 minutes of inspiration this Thanksgiving or any day of the week, just hit that download button. #kindness #thanksgiving #connorskindnessproject

Bracha Horovitz: Israeli author of Soldier On -252

Success for me is determination. As long as you are alive, you don’t give up. You don’t quit.  -Bracha Horovitz

Born in 1952, just 6 years after the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel, Bracha’s name means “a blessing” in Hebrew. The daughter of a holocaust survivor whose entire family was killed at Auschwitz, Bracha grew up believing that in order to succeed, you must never look back. Raised in the idyllic town of Ein Kerem, just south of Jerusalem, she recalls a simple life, steeped in family traditions and a deep devotion to Israel. One of the first settlers to come to Israel when the death camps were liberated, Bracha’s father was the founder of agricultural settlements and would travel throughout the country, teaching people how to grow things in an unforgiving climate with rocky soil. As a first-generation Israeli, Bracha is called a “Sabra” after the cactus that grows in the region. Tough on the outside, but sweet on the inside, she was raised to be resilient. At 18, she proudly entered the Israeli Defense Force or IDF, fulfilling the requirement for all men and women to serve their country for two years. Says Bracha: “ It is the whole idea of giving something to your country. You are part of contributing to society and in doing so, you become a mature, strong adult.” At 20, Bracha married a man named Zvi, attended college to get a degree in textile engineering, and gave birth to two daughters. The family landed in Boston when Zvi was offered a job at Malden Mills in Lawrence, MA. Tasked with leading the famous mill’s research and development team, Zvi was at the helm during the creation of the fabric known as polar fleece. In this interview, Bracha shares the story of their severely disabled son who taught the family powerful life lessons: Says Bracha: “Ronnie taught us all how to love, how to be compassionate, how to feel, and how to see a light in someone, without voice. “ As an Israeli, Bracha shares her insights into the war between Israel and its aggressors declaring “I am far away physically, but very close emotionally with my mind and my soul always in Israel.” #israel #resilience #holocaustsurvivor #IDF #polarfleece @maldenmills @templeemanuelandover

Melissa Michelon, MD: Dermatologist, -251

I don’t want my patients to leave my office feeling different. I want them to feel refreshed, an even better version of themselves. – Melissa Michelon, MD.

They say “time is a thief” but is it possible to turn back the hands of time just enough to give yourself a boost of confidence? Dr. Melissa Michelson says: “Yes, you can!” A board-certified dermatologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, Melissa is a proud member of the elite team at the Boston Center for Facial Rejuvenation. With an eye for symmetry, balance, and proportion, her specialties include non-invasive procedures such as laser rejuvenation and resurfacing, treatment of scars, melasma, rosacea, neurotoxins and filler injections, micro-needling, and more. Born and raised in a small, blue-collar town about an hour north of Detroit, Melissa was the first person in her family to attend college. It was her parents who instilled a deep need in her to do well in school, and this propelled her through Worcester Polytechnic Institute and on to medical school. Now the mother of four, Melissa gave birth to her first child in medical school, her second child during her residency, and her third child during her dermatology residency. Says Melissa: “I have learned so much about myself by being a mom. Mostly, I know that I can handle anything. “ She’s had many role models along the way, but in this interview, Dr. Michelon shares the story of a woman who worked at her father’s automotive repair shop. “The shop was all men and watching her taught me to stick up for myself, always.” And if you’re wondering if Dr. Melissa Michelon can change the oil in her car, the answer is “yes,” For a 20-minute tutorial on an inspiring female physician, just hit that download button. #dermatology #womeninmedicine #skinrejuvenation #workingmoms #motherhood

Connie Johnson Hambley: writer, author & renaissance woman -250

I have always wanted to try something new, to put myself in situations where I was a little breathless, where there’s an itch to scratch, and where I ask myself: can I really succeed at this? 
-Connie Johnson Hambley

After struggling with how to describe this week’s guest, I’ve landed on “Renaissance woman” not only because she is an expert in so many fields, but because she is prolific at everything she does. Born and raised on a dairy farm in upstate New York, Connie recalls a childhood where she could step out her back door and roam 400 acres of idyllic farmland.  The farm was a family business. Connie’s family grew their own hay and corn for their cows, processing the milk at their own dairy, and delivering it to customers far and wide.   But it was also at this dairy farm where Connie’s internal compass was rattled when a disgruntled employee struck a match setting the barn on fire at feeding time.   This singular event sparked a lifelong interest in discovering why people do what they do.  Says Connie: “ A new mantra came into my life after the fire:  bad things happen to good people.  And bad people can look wonderful and still do reprehensible things. “  A prolific writer and author, Connie has a law degree, she’s been a fashion model, worked at an ad agency, been the vice president of a bank, and an adjunct professor of finance.  But in this interview, we learn that along the way, this two-time winner of the Best English Fiction Literary Award for her crime stories not only has a love affair with words, but a deep desire to hear what isn’t said, mining for gold between the lines.  And Connie sets daily goals for herself as an author:  “When I’m really into my writing, I park my butt in that chair and I don’t get up until I’ve put down 1000 fresh new words.” The mother of three, Connie is also a world traveler whose love for adventure has been passed on to her grown children. In this latest chapter of her ever-evolving story, Connie is focused on the financial exploitation of elders and is determined to use everything she knows to shine a bright light on the systemic mistreatment of our senior citizens.  #author #writer #crime #elderabuse

Sue Tabb Part 2: award-winning broadcaster & 2-time breast cancer survivor -249

Once you have cancer, it becomes a part of your history, part of the fabric of your journey, part of your story. -Sue Tabb

Welcome back to the story of award-winning broadcaster, columnist, PR & marketing pro, wife, mother, and 2-time breast cancer survivor, Sue Tabb. Recorded on a sunny day in my living room just a few hours after Sue got off the air at Magic 106.7, this interview was so inspiring, we just had to make it available to you in two parts. Raised in Westfield, Massachusetts, Sue was the Valedictorian of her class in a largely Irish Catholic middle-class town. At Smith College, she quickly recognized that she was surrounded by girls who were smarter and more worldly than she was. Believing she had made a big mistake in choosing Smith, Sue called her mother and begged her to come and get her. It was this life-changing conversation with her mother that caused a shift in Sue’s perspective. Says Sue: “My mother said, I’m not coming. You are smart enough. You are good enough and you can do this. You are just gonna have to work a little harder than the other girls. But don’t ever say you’re not good enough.” 25 years into her radio career, Sue Tabb is a much-loved broadcaster who devotes her time to many non-profits including breast cancer charities, as well as the One Wish Project. Always ready for the next big challenge, Sue shares her bucket list of hopes and dreams in this interview, her deep love for her own daughters, and her sage advice about what success really means. #breastcancer #radio #broadcasting #smithcollege

Sue Tabb Part 1: award-winning broadcaster & 2-time breast cancer survivor -248

Breast cancer is a club nobody wants to be in, but it’s not a bad club. It’s an empowering club. And when you get through it, you realize you are much more resilient than you think you are.
-Sue Tabb

According to the American Cancer Society: 1 in every 8 women will hear the words: you have breast cancer. The woman you are about to meet has heard those words two times in her life. Sue Tabb’s daughters were just little girls when she was first diagnosed with the disease and then, 12 years later she learned the news that the cancer was back. In this interview, the 6-time Gracie Allen award-winning broadcaster shares her story, including the fact that she underwent a double mastectomy alone, at the height of the pandemic, when COVID restrictions forced her husband to drop her off in front of the hospital. Facing this life-changing moment alone set off a sea change in this strong, funny, kindhearted, and uber-talented woman which she shares graciously in this interview. The co-host of Morning Magic on Magic 106.7, Sue got back on the air just 3 weeks after her surgery, craving normalcy and sharing her breast cancer story with listeners. Says Sue “If I can get one person who has been putting off that mammogram to get one, then I’ve done something wonderful. “ A 25-year veteran of Boston radio, Sue got her start on the legendary Kiss 108 working with Marconi Award-winning radio personality Matt Siegel. A Magna Cum Laude graduate of Smith College, she is a gifted journalist, former columnist, magazine editor, newspaper reporter and PR/Marketing pro. Recorded in my living room, this chat with a former colleague and forever friend comes to you in two parts. #breastcancer #radio #broadcasting.

Melissa Dupuis: Well-being Enthusiast & Breast Cancer Survivor -247

The doctor said: This is breast cancer. Buckle-up. – Melissa Dupuis

October is breast cancer awareness month and although great strides have been made, the statistics remain the same. According to the American Cancer Society: 1 in every 8 women will hear the words “you have breast cancer”. This month, we’re supporting a local charity called The Ellie Fund, which focuses on making the day-to-day lives of breast cancer patients a little bit easier. In the spotlight, Melissa Dupuis. A former professional ballet dancer with a degree in dance, Melissa is a well-being enthusiast whose long list of credentials includes a master’s degree in Public Health. She’s a certified pilates instructor, health education specialist, health coach, personal trainer, and barre instructor on a mission to spread the importance of health in mind, body, and soul. You can imagine her surprise when what Melissa thought was a clogged milk duct turned out to be breast cancer. In this interview, Melissa shares her breast cancer journey as a new, young mom in a powerful way, describing her positive mindset during treatment: “Of course, I was a mess when I first got diagnosed, but then I said to myself, I’m gonna beat this. I put my boxing gloves on and said: Let’s do this.” And like so many women who weather the storm of this disease, Melissa emerged a changed a woman: “Everything around me seems brighter. I pay attention. I am more present. I appreciate the little things because the little things ARE the big things.” Her advice to a woman who is newly diagnosed with breast cancer? “Take a deep breath. Know that this is temporary. You are a fighter and when you come out of this, it will change you for the better. Feel your feelings. Get angry. Be sad. But most of all, love yourself. Your body and your mind are a fortress. “ #breastcancer #elliefund @PLABosto.

Kelly Cantley: Senior Vice President, Bozzuto Construction -246

Focus on what you can control.  You can’t control the outcome, but you can control the process. -Kelly Cantley

How many women are leaders in commercial construction?   The answer is: not enough!  Meet Kelly Cantley, Senior Vice President of Bozzuto Construction Company
Born and raised in the town of Bluff City, Tennessee, population 1500 by a trailblazing school teacher and a 36-year Army veteran, Kelly is blazing her own trail in a field where less than 10% of women are finding their footing.  A graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Kelly was nominated by former Vice President & Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore, Kelly got her Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the Academy and served as an Officer in the Civil Engineer Corps.   Her transition from the military to construction was smoother than you might think, aided by Kelly’s Masters in Business Administration from Johns Hopkins University and a belief in the theory that success in these fields is rooted in “process and procedure.”   Kelly’s big job at Bozzuto carries big weight. She’s responsible for new business, acquisition, planning, and implementation of new work.  A family-owned business, founded in 1988, Bozzuto maintains a rich culture, steeped in the firm belief that “everyone deserves safe shelter and sanctuary.”  Kelly puts these beliefs into practice as an advocate for philanthropic organizations like Urban Land Institute, Women’s Housing Coalition, ACE Mentoring Program and Jubilee Housing.  Her best advice for women on the rise in construction?  “Find your voice and speak up, especially in difficult situations. Take your blinders off and don’t be afraid to try new things.”   For an inspiring look into the life of a trailblazer, just hit that download button. #womeninconstruction #USNavalAcademy #construction #trailblazer 

Christy Cashman: actress, author, The Truth About Horses -245

There are so many parts to us and writing this book is a big part of me. But there’s a lot more to do and it makes me excited about life and getting out of bed every morning.  -Christy Cashman

Christy Cashman is an actress who has appeared in more than twenty movies including American Hustle, Joy, Ted 2, and Kettle of Fish.  She’s written two children’s books, has her own production company,  and is the founder of a teenage writing mentorship program called YouthINK The wife of Boston developer Jay Cashman, Christy is the mother of two sons.  The family splits their time between three homes including a castle in Ireland.   Fresh from her book tour with galpal Jane Seymour, Christy arrived ready to share the inspiration for The Truth About Horses including her complex characters, the creative process, and the stories of her life.  Written in a gazebo at her home on Cape Cod, The Truth About Horses is a brilliantly crafted tale about a 14-year-old girl obsessed with horses and emotionally crushed by the death of her mother. Published by SPARKPRESS, the book is being celebrated worldwide for its unique relatability, whether you are a horse enthusiast or not.  The 9th of 10 children, Christy spent the first seven years of her life on a poultry farm in Novelty, Ohio, and then moved to the mountains of North Carolina where horses became the focus of her life.   In this interview, Christy describes her own mother and older sisters as her role models, sharing through tears “Ever since my Mom died, I have always felt like I was meeting special people she was sending my way.”   Her mother’s wisdom about accomplishment is reflected in one of the most poignant moments of the book.  “Oncedrams are reached, they are meant to turn to dust giving you a chance to dream again.”  For a deep dive into the soul of an exceptional woman who can write, act, produce, and mentor the next generation, just hit that download button.  #actress#novelist #thetruthabouthorses