Category Archives: Episodes

Francesca Amari Part 2: Cabaret Singer -227

I don’t need to be a big star.  I don’t have to be defined by how much money I’m making.  If I’m performing, that is success to me. – Francesca Amari

Welcome to part 2 of my conversation with uber-talented cabaret singer Francesca Amari. Recorded in my rental car, in the parking lot of a hotel beside a highway in Thousand Palms, California, this interview is full of wisdom for anyone with a dream. Francesca has been singing for decades and through it all, she has maintained a career as an entertainer on her own terms:  “Your dream might need to include options and you might need to do other things that fuel your passion.”  A lifelong fan of the music of Linda Ronstadt and the genius of Gilda Radner, Francesca has created tributes to both women that are instant sellouts. Her award-winning weekly live stream performance called Cocktails & Cabaret was launched in 2020 as a way to stay connected to her fans and is thriving 150 weeks later!  In this interview, you’ll hear Francesca singing stunning harmonies with the Boogie Woogie Babie as well as clips from her favorite theatre performances, plus, she’ll explain her philosophy about sharing the stage with others and the key to her success which works no matter what you do for a living.  Says Francesca:  “Be authentic and real.  Don’t try to make your life seem like what it’s not.  Tell the truth.“   #cabaretsinger #lindaronstadt #gildaradner #palmsprings #carkaroke

Francesca Amari Part 1: Cabaret Singer, -226

I am an honest singer. I screw up on stage, I own it.  I laugh at myself. I look at people when I sing, I don’t sing over them.  I’m just really human.   -Francesca Amari
Our west coast swing continues with an interview that ended up taking place IN MY RENTAL CAR!  Francesca Amari is a fabulously talented cabaret singer, so when she agreed to be on the show, we made a plan to do the interview at a television station in Thousand Palms, California where she just happened to be filming that day. At the last minute, the studio we were supposed to record in became unavailable, so we punted and ended up driving to a hotel parking lot, right beside “the 10” which is California’s mega highway.    As I set up my microphones and recording equipment, Francesca and I bonded over our love for 12-time Grammy winner Linda Ronstadt.   Bonus:  you’ll hear us sing one of Linda’s signature songs, LIVE from the front seat.  This interview is a deep dive into the heart and mind of someone who has been singing since she was about 2 years old, first with her siblings as The Amari Sisters and later on iconic stages and legendary venues from New York City to Hollywood, California.   Francesca is a master at the craft of cabaret singing and is willing to tackle just about every kind of vocal from pop tunes to Broadway, to Jazz to Big Band.  Her tributes to Linda Ronstadt and Gilda Radner are instant sellouts and her fans follow her wherever she goes. During the pandemic, she missed performing so much, she created a weekly live-stream event called Cocktails & Cabaret which earned her the 2021 BroadwayWorld Palm Springs Award for “Best Streaming Concert/Cabaret.  Part One of our time together includes Francesca’s firm belief that she doesn’t pick the songs she sings, they pick her. She also offers plenty of wisdom about harmonizing and sharing the stage with others.  Says Francesca:  “Your talent shines more when you are with other people who are also talented. “ No matter what you do for a living, Francesca’s interview is full of the kind of wisdom you need to put your goals and dreams in motion.  #cabaretsinger #lindaronstadt #gildaradner#palmsprings #carkaroke 

Rosa Hu: Creator & Designer, House of Who -225

Style is your aura. It’s your energy. -Rosa Hu

In the spotlight, creator & designer Rosa Hu.  Born in New York City and raised in Southern California, Rosa’s parents escaped communist China and settled in Taiwan.  When it was time to go to college, the two came to the United States and never left.  As a child, Rosa was obsessed with style and never wanted to do anything but fashion.  Armed with a degree from the Fashion Institute of Design & Marketing, she started a career at 19, working her way up the ladder as an assistant to designers at big clothing manufacturers. By the time she was in her mid-twenties, Rosa was burned out and her dream of being in fashion was fading fast.  Enter the legendary Trina Turk who mentored Rosa and suggested she work for her evolving brand on a freelance basis. Says Rosa:  “I learned early in my career that it is not how much money you have in the bank, it is how happy you are, doing what you love.” Now the designer of her own line called House of Who, (follow her on IG @House_of_Who) Rosa creates mystical adornments for the body, soul, and space.  Her success story includes the lessons she has learned as a Chinese-American woman who was determined to forge her own path in a culture that is often driven to the point of exhaustion. The owner of two mid-century modern units at the legendary Ocotillo Lodge in Palm Springs, Rosa is proud to open the doors of her brilliantly bohemian bungalows during Mid-Century Modern Week.  In this interview, she passes on lots of wisdom including:  “Don’t ever think you can’t do anything for any reason. Not for being a minority. Not for being a woman.  Never let anything stop you.  Ever. “ #fashion #trinaturk #palmsprings #midcenturymodernweek #ocotillolodge

Part 2: Dawn Kohler, author of The Messages -224

I knew in the depths of my soul that all of this had a reason. I knew I was going to get to the other side. -Dawn Kohler

Last week’s episode was incredibly powerful and so is part 2 of the story of Dawn Kohler, author of the memoir The Messages. Now an in-demand executive coach who helps her clients re-awaken their purpose and their passion, Dawn is an incest survivor who has spent decades working through her deep sense of loss and shame. Her testimony in this interview is not graphic, but it is brutally honest, so if you have children nearby who might hear this interview, I suggest that you wait for a time when you are alone or with other adults. In this interview, Dawn explains that the inaudible messages she was receiving right around her own daughter’s 5th birthday were triggered by the fact that her father raped her at that very same age. She also discovers that he shared her with other men who were part of a molestation group. Throughout her deep depression and psychotherapy, Dawn’s first husband supported her and somehow, she was able to care for her three children. Says Dawn: “The kids kept me alive. There is no doubt about it. I’m sure I dropped the ball on several occasions, but I wanted to be there for them, no matter what.” Enrolled in the same Tai Chi class as the mother and sister of murder victim Nicole Brown Simpson, Dawn explains how Tai Chi relieves muscle tension and releases feelings of loss and grief. Her experience over a 3 day period when the messages culminated in a profound, divine encounter will remind you of our universal responsibility to love one another or perish. For a life-changing story that simply must be heard, hit that download button. If you or someone you love is experiencing sexual abuse, text HOME to 741741 or go to: to speak immediately to a volunteer crisis counselor.

Dawn Kohler, Part 1, author of The Messages -223

I raised myself. From a very early age, I knew in my heart I was on my own. Nobody was helping me. -Dawn Kohler

What you are about to hear is Part 1 in a series about Dawn Kohler, author of the memoir The Messages. This story needs to be told, but it is also very difficult to hear. If you have children nearby, my strong suggestion is that this episode is not for their ears. Born and raised in San Diego, California, Dawn was the oldest of three children. Her mother was a coal miner’s daughter, originally from West Virginia and her father was from a strict German Catholic family in Ohio. In part 1 of this interview, we learn what life was like in Dawn’s house. She was very independent, didn’t like to be touched, and started working at only 14. Dawn married her high school sweetheart and together they had 3 beautiful children. During the personal computer boom in the 1980s, she and Jeff discovered their niche and founded a computer service company before their 30th birthdays, employing over 50 people. Dawn was the CEO of the business, with plaques on the wall naming her Entrepreneur of the Year when suddenly, she started receiving what she calls internal, inaudible “messages” that told her “this is no longer your way.” She tried to block out these messages by running and swimming, but they just got more intense. One day, she literally could not get out of her car and walk into her office. What happens next will break your heart and then it will lift you up, reminding you of the power of the human spirit. #sexualabuse #incest

Christina Knight: Nurse Practitioner, -222

If I’m passionate about doing something, I’m not gonna let anybody roadblock me.
-Christina Knight

In the spotlight, a woman who doesn’t understand the word “no” and probably never will. Meet Christina Knight, Nurse Practitioner and co-founder of Dynamic Evolutions in Health & Beauty at Together with business partner Dr. Edgar Ballenas, Christina is introducing patients to personalized medicine and the benefits of eastern and western wellness practices with outstanding results. The daughter of hard-working Greek immigrants, Christina and her siblings came to this country seeking The American Dream. Her father established a little Greek restaurant in Wellesley, just outside of Boston where everything was homemade and his children learned the value of a hard day’s work. In this interview, Christina recalls knowing she would end up in medicine because she wanted to help and heal others. The single mother of three small children, she worked full time while pursuing her undergraduate, nursing, and nurse practitioner degrees. A big believer in alternative medicine, Christina keeps an open mind about new innovations in healthcare from around the world, striving to help her patients understand what their bodies need in order to thrive. “If our body is not in balance and our immune system is low and weak, we will get sick.“ At the height of the pandemic, Christina and Dr. Ballinas entered the homes of seriously ill COVID patients offering lifesaving medical care. Many of their patients are children with ADHD and Christina finds herself explaining to frustrated parents that there is a direct link between gut health and brain health and that medication for ADHD may not be the best answer. For a tutorial on innovative ways to stay healthy and strong from a woman who is the definition of determination, just hit that download button. #wellness #ADHD #personalizedmedicine #alternativemedicine #easternmedicine

Daniela Corte: Women’s Clothing Designer -221

Fashion never ends.  Fashion never sleeps.  -Daniela Corte

Fueled by a passion for fashion and a love of espresso, Argentinian-born women’s clothing designer Daniela Corte wakes up at the crack of dawn ready to create her signature pieces. Voted Best Women’s Clothing Designer by Boston Magazine in 2021, Daniela has been
making women feel elegant and beautiful in her clothes since 2000.  In this interview, she shares stories of her elegant mother who was always put together, and her father who was a clothier in Argentina.  He taught her the importance of treating employees like family and with a deep respect for hard work.  Daniela’s inspiration comes from beautiful textiles. She remembers fondly how a delivery of a bolt of fabric to her father’s shop was her greatest joy.  Known for creating clothes “made to measure”, Daniela is the queen of the perfect fit.   She believes that there are 5-10 must-haves in a woman’s closet. “The perfect blazer, the perfect little black dress, the perfect fitting jeans and black pants, and some silk tops and then, you’re golden!”   A big believer in making a strong first impression, Daniela says:
“Style is confidence. Style is power. Style is courage. Style is strength.”  For a look inside the creative mind of a fashionista who never sleeps, just hit that download button. #fashion  #womensfashion

Chelo Lundquist-Krag: Aquatics Director & Child Abuse Survivor -220

I used to think that success meant a degree, living on your own, having a car, and your bills paid. My heart feels successful when I am teaching lifeguards how to save a human, when I’m teaching kids how to swim, or when I’m having dinner with the love of my life. That’s success to me.
-Chelo Lundquist-Krag

Chelo Lundquist-Kragg is an Aquatics Director, an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, and a Lifeguard Trainer. We got to talking about our mutual love of swimming one day at the Longfellow Club in Natick, Massachusetts where she runs the swimming program. As a lifeguard trainer, Chelo turns teenagers into lifesavers with her unique “tree of lifeguarding” curriculum. When I mentioned that I host this podcast and radio series featuring women’s stories, she said: “I’ve got a story about my childhood, but I don’t really talk about it much.” That statement got my attention and just the other day, we sat down to record this very personal, very painful story which thankfully, has a happy ending. Born and raised in Lake County, California, Chelo’s birth mother was a drug dealer who gave birth to her brother in prison. Her father was a raging alcoholic and a child abuser. In this interview, Chelo recalls the first 6 years of her life in flashes, sharing the fact that her father beat her brother and sexually abused her repeatedly. It was a babysitter who stepped forward to report this abuse and both children were removed from the home by ambulance. Chelo and her brother ended up being adopted by a wonderful couple whose unconditional love healed their broken hearts. For a firsthand look inside the mind of a girl who rose like a phoenix to become a strong, kind, and capable young woman who is “right where she wants to be” just hit that download button. #adoption #americanredcross #childabuse #sexualabuse

Dianna Huff: Keep it made -219

My jaw dropped when I learned what was happening to the manufacturing industry. I didn’t realize that everything had been off-shored. So in 2015, I made the commitment to buy only products made in the USA. -Dianna Huff

Born and raised in California, Dianna Huff had the kind of childhood that remains difficult to talk about to this day. She was fortunate to have an English teacher who told her she could write and a guidance counselor who insisted she apply to college. Fortunately, Dianna was admitted to a California state college under the EOP: Educational Opportunity Program based on her financial need. Now the President of Huff Industries, www.huffindustrialmarketing she is blazing a trail for women in the manufacturing industry and her focus is helping businesses that make their products in the United States The pandemic launched a worldwide shipping crisis making Americans acutely aware that much of what we use every day is not made here. In fact, only 3% of clothing is made in the USA and what Dianna calls the “paying field” is not level. Manufacturers in the USA have a very hard time competing with products coming in from other countries for pennies on the dollar. Filled with inspiring stories of her life, this interview includes stories from Dianna about how her local library card and books saved her, giving her a window into a whole new world where she could imagine accomplishing great things. Says Dianna “Never, ever doubt yourself. If you can survive a terrible childhood or any kind of adversity, you can survive anything.” For more wisdom you can use, just hit that download button. #keepitmadeUSA #madeintheUSA #manufacturing #entreprenuer #womeninbusiness

Lisa Murray: President, Citizens Bank of MA -218

I’m sort of like the Oprah Winfrey of banking. I like to ask a thousand questions and figure out where everyone is going and how I can help. -Lisa Murray

Lisa Murray knows banking. She’s been involved in the industry since she graduated from the University of Connecticut and has been climbing the ladder to the top ever since. As the President of Citizens Bank of Massachusetts, she represents the bank in an official capacity with civic, business, and community leaders across the state. You would think that job alone would monopolize all of her time, but wait, there’s more. Lisa is also the Director of Not for Profit & Professionals Banking, leads an initiative called Citizens Helping Citizens, and is a member of the Massachusetts Business Coalition for Early Education. Her personal commitment to charities large and small throughout the commonwealth is a reflection of her leadership style as a team player “I want to roll up my sleeves and dig in” says Lisa. “I want to be an advocate for others and always do the right thing.” This interview is full of wisdom from Lisa Murray, including this life lesson: “Don’t take yourself too seriously. I laugh at myself all the time and that helps to keep things in perspective. If you get too far in front of yourself, you miss the details. For a tutorial in the art of achieving AND giving back, just hit that download button. #citizensbank #banking #womeninfinance